Good News!

I saw another specialist today and my tumor is smaller!  He doesn't believe it is cancer at this point but he wants to check it again in 3 months.  I go to another specialist next week for my vision damage and then another specialist for the treatment of the TBI.

I'm so relieved right now that I don't have to deal with cancer on top of the attack and brain injury!  I felt like I should have run and jumped around the building on the way out but I couldn't see and didn't want to fall lol. 

If it wasn't for the attack, I would have never known about the tumor, so this was divine intervention because I had time to do something about it!  I started drinking/eating 10-15 servings of vegetables and fruits a day, along with supplements and I believe that, and God ultimately, helped my tumor - either way, I am so relieved.  Thank you for the prayers and those that emailed and let me know you were praying, I appreciate it!!  I've had total strangers that came across me in public during this pray for me - I have felt so much comfort unlike any other time.

I was able to go on vacation for 2 weeks and it helped get away and relieved a lot of stress so I could heal.  I'm thankful that we live debt free and are able to do this after the job loss last year and losing all our savings - God has rebuilt and restored us!  Life is hard but God is good!