Part 3: Cutting Our Grocery Budget in HALF!

In this part, I'm going to share what we eat for breakfasts, lunches, snacks and desserts.  We're pretty simple people and have never really needed fancy food.  I actually don't think I've ever cooked a steak before other than a Salisbury LOL!  Not because we couldn't afford steak, but because I don't think its worth the trade health-wise.  If I want a steak, I'll go out and eat one but since my hysterectomy 7 years ago, I don't even crave steak anymore and my husband has never cared for steak.

Below are some options we normally eat but we really mix and match everything as we desire.  I myself eat 4 full meals a day but my son eats 3 meals and 3 snacks usually.  My husband was only eating 2 meals a day but I helped him transition to eating 3-4 times a day a few months ago to improve his metabolism and health.


Oatmeal with fruit, nuts, flaxmeal and an egg
Toasted egg sandwich with cheese
Toasted bread with cream cheese and fruit
Cereal and milk
Waffles with maple syrup and fruit


Chicken quesadilla with cheese, fruit and salad
Chicken wrap with avocado, fruit and salad
Tuna salad sandwiches
PBJ or PB banana sandwiches with milk
Bean tostadas
Burrito bowls (chicken, beans and rice)
Bean burritos


Nuts, raisins, chocolate chip trail mix
Yogurt & granola
Carrots & hummus
Fruit with nuts, whip and dark chocolate hummus
Cheese and Wasa crackers with grapes
Plant protein shakes with banana and milk


Granola bars *recipe link below
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting
Banana bread
Hot cocoa
Chai tea latte
Any other baked treat really =)

To prep, we cook up a lot of chicken breast and shred it and freeze most of it and then have a bag of it in the fridge for wraps, quesadillas or burrito bowls.  I also batch cook dry beans - pintos and black beans - and again, I freeze most but keep a bag in fridge.  We make 4 cups of brown basmati rice for the fridge and then boiled eggs as well.  This makes it easy to make an assortment of things during the week.  I also try and cook up a 9x13 dish of granola bars but they tend to get gone in 2-3 days easy.