When Men Abuse Power & Weaponize Authority

You may have heard about the MeToo movement and how so many women are finally brave enough to come forward and call out their abusers.  The world has been shocked as each story has unfolded and revealed that men, some famous and some in high positions have abused their power and authority to harm the weaker; women.  It isn't limited to one category or group, abuse has infiltrated every place imaginable, including the church.

The Southern Baptists have recently been exposed and found out that one of their top leaders have counseled the abused in such horrible ways as to keep them abused!  It includes such things as telling the victim to stay with the abuser.  It is a tragedy to have a man of God not protecting those who can't protect themselves.  God has heard the cries of the women and children, and His wrath has come to rip the blanket off the hidden things.

Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, of which I have always admired his steadfastness and stand for God's word, has spoken out and declared God's wrath has come.  The Bible tells us that judgment must first begin at the house of God. Here are some of his words that I wanted to share:
There is no excuse whatsoever for abuse of any form, verbal, emotional, physical, spiritual or sexual. The Bible warns so clearly of those who would abuse power and weaponize authority. Every Christian church and every pastor and every church member must be ready to protect any of God’s children threatened by abuse and must hold every abuser fully accountable. The church and any institution or ministry serving the church must be ready to assure safety and support to any woman or child or vulnerable one threatened by abuse.

The church must make every appropriate call to law enforcement and recognize the rightful God-ordained responsibility of civil government to protect, to investigate, and to prosecute.

A church, denomination, or Christian ministry must look outside of itself when confronted with a pattern of mishandling such responsibilities, or merely of being charged with such a pattern. We cannot vindicate ourselves. That is the advice I have given consistently for many years. I now must make this judgment a matter of public commitment. I believe that any public accusation concerning such a pattern requires an independent, third-party investigation. In making this judgment, I make public what I want to be held to do should, God forbid, such a responsibility arise.
In the words of Albert Mohler, God's judgement is here.  We haven't seen the last of all that God is going to expose with those who have abused their authority and power and have harmed so many.  May God set all the captives free!

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