Illogical Conclusions Christians Make

Some Christians repeat phrases and sayings without really thinking about them.  Then, some also think about them and still say them!  Let's review some of these illogical conclusions people come up with and expose them for what they are - myths.

  1. I made --- an idol, therefore, I'm going to stop doing it - how many times have we heard this?  The truth of the statement is that ANYTHING can become an idol.  The myth of the statement is that just because you let it become an idol, you must stop doing it (referring to the thing, not the idolization).  Example - I made paying tithe an idol, therefore, I will stop paying tithe.  Really?  How about just STOP making tithe an idol?  If you must stop doing the thing you made an idol, then what about people who made food an idol?  Should they stop eating food?  What about if sleep is your idol, should you stop sleeping?  Of course not, that would be ridiculous - just about as much as this type of thinking.  We stop the idolization of the thing, not the thing, unless of course it is sin.
  2. I spend more time doing --- than with God, so it must be wrong - I hear this way too much and always laugh at how illogical it is.  Example - I spend more time online than with God, so it must be wrong.  Is it really wrong?  If it is with that thinking, than anything is wrong if you spend more time doing it than you do with God.  Sleeping is wrong!  I mean you spend 8 hours sleeping and only 1 hour with God - oh the shame!  Eating is wrong!  Some people even drive longer than they spend time with God!  I know many that talk more than the time they spend with God!  I hope you see this myth being ripped apart.  If you truly had to spend more time with God than other things - you might not be a human.
  3. Don't have children if you can't afford them - this is probably the most-believed illogical conclusion there is.  It is a very convenient one in our abortion-laden, sex-crazed, responsibility-shunning society to view children as a financial expense that must be planned.  What is even sadder is that Christians have adopted these worldly ideals, ignoring God's Word of provision and children being a blessing.  Isn't it funny how we AFFORD things we really want?  I know many that can't AFFORD a home, but they find a way through a mortgage loan.  I know others that can't AFFORD a car, but they get them new every few years with leasing or a car loan.  See, it isn't about affording anything!  It is about giving ourselves an excuse to delay or put off having children because we really don't want them.
  4. Homeschooling will make your kids be a sociopath or psychopath - Actually, most (if not all) socio/psycho paths were public-schooled.  I don't know of even one that was homeschooled.  This is an easy argument to shoot down and it is one that is given by people who knew "someONE" that was homeschooled and they viewed everything they did through their spectacles of criticism to find fault.  Truth of the matter is, homeschooled kids are generally well-rounded kids and able to talk to all ages.  They are less likely to do any of the socio/psychopath behaviors because they aren't trying to "fit in" like you do in public school and they aren't being bullied all day long.  The school behavior that reigns in our public/private schools today breeds hatred, division, bad behaviors, rudeness, etc.  In all actuality, you could make a more logical statement of "Public schooling will make your kids be a sociopath or psychopath" and be closer to the truth - but still a myth because schooling choices don't necessarily make these.  I don't know anyone who has been able to find exactly what makes them.  So the jury is still out and they aren't that way because of their parents or their schooling most likely - they could be missing some crucial brain chemistry and have a genetic disorder that no one caused.
  5. If you disagree with homosexuality, you are a bigot - Yes, Christians even make these statements today.  Just because you disagree with someone's sexual perversion, doesn't make you a bigot.  If it did, then the same saying would be true: If you disagree with pedophilia, you are a bigot.  However, you don't hear that, THANK GOD, today but you might eventually, as so many perverted things are being accepted.  No, if you disagree with sexual perversion, you are NOT a bigot, you are like God, as He hates it, as He does all sin.  I don't agree with murder, lying, stealing, etc. and just like that, we can also include homosexuality, as it is a sin and always will be.  This statement is actually a bully's way of trying to get people to AGREE with homosexuality and true Christians never will.  Very juvenile statement if truth be told and reflects of the maturity of the one saying it.