I spent a week doing a deep decluttering of our bedroom, and ended up with bags full of things to give away! The only thing I didn't go through was under my bed because I got hit with either the flu or a really bad cold.
When my parents came to stay with us for 5 weeks in September, my dad cleaned out my old garden beds (I no longer garden) and planted tulip bulbs. In one bed he did rows and the other he planted them in a shape of a cross. What is so amazing is that they are growing big and looks like they may even open their blooms on Easter - how cool would that be? I guess we will check them tomorrow and see. I weeded the garden bed with the cross tulips but haven't weeded the other one.
Other than that I'm spending my time keeping house, raising kids, homeschooling and working on my health. I would like to share videos of new ways I've learned to cook, natural medicine that I have delved deeply into and experienced amazing results and even all about how physical therapy is what most people need more than exercise. Lots I would like to share but a lot of more needful things that I must do may not allow for much time - we will see how the next few months go.