I've been decluttering and simplifying a lot of things in my life lately - everything from deleting some blogs I had, to things around the home. One of the things that bother me is our paper situation. We have papers all over the house in different places and storage bins. There is a small cabinet here and then a a file box there and then a pile here and on and on. I decided that it was worth the money to buy a large filing cabinet to condense everything down into ONE location.
This will eliminate a lot of other filing areas and thus open up more space in those areas and add more things to our increasing yard sale pile we got going on for this summer. I found the size, color and style of the filing cabinet I wanted at Office Max, it was the cheapest price as shipping was free (and it arrived fast) and it came with a FREE utility tote bag that I just love! I also ordered 100 colorful hanging file folders because I love my color!
The picture got cut off, but this is a 4-drawer filing cabinet.
The file cabinet fits like it was made to go between the bookshelf and the kitchen counter and now I wonder how did I go this long without one of these? I can't wait to organize it and do all my files, it is definitely a project that will take a while but it is another step toward simplifying my life a little bit more.