Satan's Comedy Hour is when we........
- give ourselves over to lust
- allow satan to win in our minds
- succumb to that besetting sin once again
- sell ourselves to addiction
- care not for our children or spouse
- join the worldly pursuits of fame and fortune
- are discontent
- open the door to temptation
- say "just this once won't hurt"
- question God's word
- doubt and thereby are faithless
- seek doctors healing potions instead of God's
- forsake assembling ourselves together
- miss yet another day in God's word
- fill our day with other things and have not time for prayer
- trust our children to Godless teachers to have their minds molded
- gossip about our brother/sister
- develop cliques, excluding others
- think we are all that and a bag of chips, a.k.a pride
- think we are worthy
- think we are entitled and everyone owes us
- preach once saved always saved and no living the Word of God
- omit what doesn't suit us in God's word
- remind ourselves of the great things we do
- develop unethical relationships
- flirt and act lasciviously
- reveal our bodies in public
- want all attention on us
- whine how bad we have it
- never seek in God's word what a preacher preached to confirm it
- follow a man over God
- idolize someone or something over God
- hate others instead of the sin
- fill our eyes and ears with trash
The list is never the joke on YOU!?